This calculator is intended to give you a snapshot of how your investment balances might grow over time based on starting and ending ages. As the inputs will likely change over the years, you can rerun them and see how you are progressing towards your goals. The output table will show the results based on your current age if you were to start saving now and will also show the results if you were to start later, using fixed five-year intervals.
Starting Age | Value at Age 66 | Amount Invested | Value at yrs Past Target Age | |
you | 21 | $1,087,215.73 | $113,000.00 | $1,597,476.60 |
25 | $791,186.91 | $103,400.00 | $1,162,513.14 | |
30 | $528,886.01 | $91,400.00 | $777,107.07 | |
35 | $350,368.43 | $79,400.00 | $514,806.17 | |
40 | $228,872.36 | $67,400.00 | $336,288.59 | |
45 | $146,184.18 | $55,400.00 | $214,792.52 | |
50 | $89,907.99 | $43,400.00 | $132,104.34 | |
55 | $51,607.36 | $31,400.00 | $75,828.15 |